the bird's song disappears [one-shot]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
the bird's song disappears [one-shot]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 19:16:20 GMT
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exiting 's vehicle, she began to walk toward the residency with which housed rockets. wig in hand, her body bruised from her brother's assault. she'd stop at the staircase, looking toward the front-door. she'd turn back to --staring for quite sometime. that big lug's face was something she secretly disgruntled at, but appreciated. perhaps he wasn't as bad as many thought the man to be--well, scary is probably the best way to put it. she'd walk back toward the car, knocking on the window before he could leave her, and said, "thank you, again, for saving me..." she said to him, a small smile--one that hadn't been seen in so long-- was the first to have received such a warm gift in such a long time.

smiling, how nice.

she'd forgotten what it was like to genuinely smile. she'd look back toward once more upon leaving, and then that was the last look he'd ever see from her that night. little did he know, as she finally made way toward her residency, evelyn was blushing a tad bit.

upon entering the apartment complex, she made haste toward the elevator. it was freezing, she had a rough night, and all she wanted to do was sit in her home and sleep for months on end. as she entered the elevator songbird would jump at an unexpected sight, "o-oh!" it was a man with slick back hair and a face painted to be that of a skull--one akin to dia de los muertos to be exact. she was by his getup for she was sure halloween was certainly over. was this something people were wearing during the cold months of winter? how strange--odd really.


she wasn't afraid to enter the elevator with him though for she knew self-defense after all, just ask . and as she entered the elevator, their travel began. it was awkward silence at first, but then he spoke, "your dress is lovely tonight, senorita. the red shade it embodies speaks volumes--it says a lot about you actually as a woman; you're strong--a soldier who does as they're told without a will of their own." the male spoke to her, "i wouldn't say that..." evelyn, coldly, replied. her head kept forward.

"it reminds me of a quote i once heard when i was but so young growing up," the mysterious figure thought to himself, "For every man there is a cause which he would gladly die for, defend the right to have a place to which he can belong to, and every man will fight with his bare hands in desperation and shed his blood to stem the flood to barricade invasion." a powerful quote indeed, "it's a little nostalgic for it reminds me of my family growing up." the quote he recited had he indeed caught her attention, it made her think of her fellow siblings. "it's a lovely quote," evenly had, yet again, replied.

"not much of a talker are you? my sister is like that as well." said the mysterious figure. evelyn kept her guard and her wits about. she wasn't in anyway too keen on settling down or calming herself around this unknown figure. though, unbeknownst to her, he began to reach toward the back of his pocket--until a sudden ding was heard, "this is my stop." evelyn said, turning to the man and bowing, she'd add, "have a good day," and left. but it wasn't until he'd shout, "ah, evelyn! i forgot to tell you my name, it's calavera--i'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon, mi amore." she gave him not a single ounce of her attention--head forward--but she heard his name all too well.

there was something off about the man. walking toward her apartment she couldn't get him off of her mind, and she had no idea as to why. was it the name that rung a bell? his aura? the way he spoke? "who was he..." it wasn't until she heard the sound of a "warp-like" noise from behind, and as she turned to she was met with the skull faced male yet again, "i said we'd meet again very soon, have a nap, little sister." and so, with a fan in hand and laid flat in between he and evelyn, he'd blow a white cloud of dust into her face.

before she could even reach for her cellular device, attempt to fight back, or even call for a pokemon, she accidentally began to breathe in the mysterious powder. it was a cough at first that quickly transitioned to a throat-like clench. it was hard to breathe and her mind began to wander, it felt as though her heart was in the process of no longer pumping. everything in view came to a halt, her body numb as she fell into the man's arms who sat her down gently upon the ground. brushing the hair out of her face, he'd add, "i suppose it's time for a family reunion, let's see what the others have been up to." calavera spoke, placing his fan atop of her comatose body, "we should let'em know i'll be coming home for christmas dinner."

ooc notes: one-shot. :hairywrists:

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